Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why Young Earth

In recent years, as naturalism has continued its march into every crevasse of life, the crazy idiots who believe in a literal six day creation have become nearly extinct. Yet some still claim that the Young Earth model of creation is not only probable, but is the only view that is consistent with Christianity and Science. Why? What is the big deal? And what does it matter?
It might be profitable to look back at history, why did mainstream Christians change from a Young Earth model to the Old Earth model. Until Darwin popularized the theory of evolution (and yes, it is and remains a theory, not a scientific fact) very few scientist or theologians held that the earth was more than several thousand years old. Most Christians accepted that the earth was between ten and six thousand years old; there was no reason to suspect or postulate otherwise, six thousand years was approximately the figure arrived at by adding up the genealogies in the Bible and matching them with when certain events occurred. Evolution however, required many, many years. First they claimed they needed a few million.
Then they learned that the cell was more complex than they thought, and they simultaneously discovered that the earth was a few million years older than they had thought. And so the process continued until today with some naturalist claiming the earth is many billions of years old. They then turned to Christians and claimed that they were 'superstitious' because they did not accept that the earth is millions or billions of years old (This depends upon what dating method you use. If you age a sample with four different methods you often end up with four radically different ages). Their reasoning looks something like this:
Evolution is true
Evolution requires that the Earth is millions of years old
Therefore, the earth is millions of years old.

Christianity and other religions claim the years is not millions of years old
We know that the earth is millions of years old,
Therefore, we know Christianity and other religions are not true
If Christianity and all other religions are not true
Then they cannot challenge Evolution
If Evolution cannot be challenged
Then Evolution is True.
Just a hint for those of you who have not taken Logic 101, when your conclusion and your first proposition are one and the same you have what is called a circular argument, i.e. one that is false.
Christians employed three strategies in response to the charge that a literal creation is absurd because naturalists say so. The first stratagem is to simply accept what science is saying and reject Christianity. The second stratagem is to believe that the scientists have got it wrong (something not unheard of), and the bible has it right when it says day. The second stratagem is to try and fit the millions or billions of years into Genesis, and the most common way of doing that is to say that each 'day' in Genesis represents an age.
There are, however, many problems with doing this. The first is that the Hebrew word Yom used in Genesis means 24 hour day. Yom Kippur is the 'Day of Atonement', not the age, millennium, epoch, or era of atonement. Everywhere in the bible the word Yom is used with a number, or the phrase 'evening and morning' it means a literal 24 hour day. Many try to say that in English we often use 'day' to mean an age: the day of the Lord, In my grandfather's day, etc. We often say the dawn of an age, or the evening of an era. But do we ever say things like 'I remember how my father grew up in the morning of the first day of my grandfather' when we intend day to mean era? I don't. Maybe you do.
That is in English, here we are dealing with Hebrew, where Yom means 24 hour day.
Perhaps the single most important problem with the Old Earth view point is that it requires death before the fall in direct contradiction of Romans 5:12 “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned...” If death, pain, and suffering were built into the world by an all powerful, intelligent being working from outside time and space, how can such a god be called Holy?
In the end, we should not be asking ourselves 'why young earth?” but rather “why old earth?” Many have adopted the old earth viewpoint in order to appear scholarly and intellectual, but they are disliked by both sides, and atheists mock them for being unable to interpret their own Bible. Look at what the bible has to say about creation and the fall, there is no better interpreter of the Bible than the Bible itself.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Terrorist Threat Discovered

On April 7th 2009, the Department of Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis released an Assessment titled "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment."
I heard a lot of hype about how it targeted conservatives and "rightwing radicals" (try saying that ten times fast). Having learned by bitter experience not to comment on something you don't know about, I read it. When a group wishes to gain or solidify power, the first thing they try to do is shut up the people who disagree with them. For those of you who read animal farm, how did Napoleon turn the animals away from Snowball and towards himself? He first began to say that Snowball was subverting the state. As the book goes on and Napoleon's power grew, he continued to reveal more and more wicked things about Snowball until Snowball is one of the greatest villains in the book. What, exactly did Snowball do? Nothing. Napoleon was able to define him as an enemy and the animals hated him. This is exactly what the Obama administration is attempting to do with this DHS report. The document lists numerous ways that radical rightwing groups may be plotting to disrupt the government. First, Napolitano defines 'rightwing terrorists' with the following footnote:
"Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate -oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejection federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration" (DHS report pg. 2, my emphasis)

Think about that for a moment. First off, anybody who is driven by hatred based on religious, racial or ethnic groups isn't 'rightwing'. I can call apples 'spicy fruit that may also be very hard" but just because an apple has a few seeds doesn't make the fruit very hard, but I haven't done anything but warn you away from apples. Yes, there a few people who go around bombing abortion centers and harassing immigrants, but they are not representative of rightwing conservatives.

"The consequences of a prolonged economic downturn - including real estate foreclosures, unemployment, and an inability to obtain credit - could create a fertile recruiting environment for rightwing extremists and even result in confrontations between such groups and government authorities similar to those in the past" (DHS report pg. 2)
Excuse me, but...pardon my ignorance... what confrontations in the past? This statement has little or no factual basis, as does the whole report. Aside from a few brief and misconstrued references to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, the report offers no support for any of its outrageous statements. Along with 'stockpiling guns and ammunition" we 'radical rightwing extremists are recruiting and radicalizing returning veterans so that we can use their military knowledge to stage attacks against the government.
Have conservatives done any of this? Are there any 'radical rightwing extremist groups" out there to do any recruiting? This report is nothing but fearmongering pure and simple. There are far more threats out there for them to spend their time on than us citizens who don't like their policies or the fact that they are using the tax code to distribute other people's wealth.
All this having been said, I would like to speak to those of you who are upset about this report. This is why it is important to be above reproach. No crude or violent joke about the president should ever pass our lips. He is our president for better or worse, and there is a political system the founders set up so that we can make ourselves heard. If you don't know who your congressman or woman is, you frankly have little right to complain about how your government is representing you. Do not ever make it even seem as if you intended or wished violence on our government. Our nation has become the way it is because good people have not exerted themselves on behalf of freedom. Be involved in election cycles, and help out the candidates who represent you. But most importantly, live a life that shows your neighbors and co-workers what conservatism really is. We are not 'hate based' we are love based. We love liberty, and thus defend it from any encroachment. We love the american dream, and defend it against those who would trample it like the KKK, which, may I mention, was heavily populated by democrats. We love America, and will do all in our power to do all we can to make our country great.
I have only scratched the surface of this report, if you want to read more you can at )
God Bless America

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Five Reasons boys should read Pride and Predjudice.

1. Bingly and Mr. Darcy (for the second part of the book) are excellent role models for young men.
2. In an age where young people are told to "follow your heart" and that "love will conquer all", Pride and Predjudice shows the pain that is caused by a young man taking advantage of a young woman and doing things that should wait until after marriage.
3.In an age where chivalry, and good manners in general are dying, it is good to be reminded how people ought to behave.
4. It demonstrates how not to behave, in the person of Mr. Collins especially.
5. It is a wonderful book, and that should be reason enough.

The Lay of Arthur, part first

This is the first in a series about Arthur and his knights that I have been working on. And a heads up to everybody, Lancelot does not appear.
Part I
So. In the mists of time long past
Of the great kings of lore was born the last
Into realm with strife and greed riven
by kings with no thought of Lord or heaven
For Uther's crown did the mighty strive
And many men did of life deprive.
Nigh' London Town they met in great array,
And in battle joined at the break of Day.
Black the ravens flew soared
above the writhing battle horde.
The field with blood ran red that day
As each man as well as he might did slay
those who challenged his king's right
to rule the throne of Britain's might.
As Darkness slow began to fall
and stretch forth its darkened pall,
Did Merlin on a hill appear, with lightning fey
and ended the slaying for that day.
“That in this land I may war
avert, a test for all, near and far
I now proclaim.” Quoth He
“The Victor Uther's True heir shall be.”
“What shall this test of thine be?”
Cried Lot, Proud King of Orkney.
And Lo! Onthe hill appeared a stone,
And in it a blade as if from heaven thrown.
“Whoever sword from stone can part,
Thou the king of England art”
Then one and all did strive the sword to free
That King of England they might be.
Yet though great and strong the sword did try
Yet none could begin to pry
it from the cold hard stone,
till they stopped, weary heart and bone.
Then Lot again in Furry spake
“What manner of Jest doth thou make?”
Dost thou think us to mock?
A blade in Stone Thou doth lock
So no hand I warrant can free it but thine,
No son of Twlwyth Teg shall be king of mine!”
Then did Merlin swift wax wroth with rage
To be thus challenged, yet within a cage
He checked his passion, and did not balk,
but carefully, wisely crafted his talk
“This stone and I are bound by my word
Uther's heir alone may wield that sword!"
And with that he was gone, they knew not where
Only that he was no more there.