Monday, August 10, 2009

We Put Ourselves Here, Not Congress

The Healthcare plan put forward by the House of Representatives has set off a powder keg that has turned our whole political system inside out and divided the nation in three groups, one furious about what is being done with their tax dollars, one group, led by the President, furious that they are being opposed so vehementently and called liars, and a third group standing between the other two wondering why everyone is so bent out of shape. I'm not here to flame the fires either way, but there are a few things I would like to say.
  1. Shouting and threatening violence does not change minds very often. Be courteous and don't interupt when someone is trying to speak. Even if they are completely in the wrong, our Representatives are in our government and thus deserve our respect because they hold a position of power and responsibility.
  2. Proclaiming that we need to kick everyone out of congress is not going to help. Even if that were to happen, the beaurocratic fat that has been built around our government would keep things from changing a great deal. There are a lot of good senators and Representatives who are trying to do their job, but cannot get anything done because of the red tape and the opposition. If you want to make a difference research the candidates and campaign for them, even if it is only to tell a few people about them. The Founders based a great deal upon the assumption that the people would hold their representatives accountable. Our current predicament is just as much the fault of Americans who can vote as it is the Representatives who have been voted in.

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