Tuesday, June 7, 2011

To the Young (Like me)

This is primarily for young people, specifically young men. I've done a lot of thinking over the last few months with all the debate about what laws should and should not be passed etc, and I have come up with the solution to most of the ethical issues facing the nation. Young Men.
If young men would take a stand and live for God instead of for self, a pretty large portion of the evil in America would simply vanish. To illustrate my point, consider the following:
Abortion: If young men are only having sex with their wife in marriage, there will be precious few young scared girls getting abortions because they can't take care of themselves and a young child.
Porn and the explicit entertainment industry: It's simple, companies produce what people buy: if it ain't being bought, it will not be made.
Gun Violence: If young men get their focus off themselves they would be less likely to shoot up people they don't think respect them and more likely to minister to those who are in pain.
Bottom line: The Social Evils that everyone is spending so much time and money fighting will not be ended by a law. You cannot pass enough laws to make people good. The solution is hard and slow, something people today don't like. It is not easy to popular to tell people that abortion will not be ended by a Supreme Court decision in ten years but will take at least several decades of people interacting and changing hearts one at a time.
Young men and women are the leaders of tomorrow, as people at college are so fond of saying. If we make the decision that we will make a stand for God, for the right, whatever the cost, whatever the result, God can use us to have an impact far greater than we could ever wish.

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